Event | 22 Nov, 2022
Heatwaves: the silent disaster

Published by Cambridge Disaster Research Network (CDRN)

November 22, 2022

Heatwaves have had devastating effects throughout history.  Despite the threats posed by heatwaves to human health and safety, and their implications for national economies, heatwaves are comparatively understudied within academia. Moreover, they are often not regarded by governments or media as a ‘disaster’. There are various reasons for this, including heatwaves do not involve mass destruction of property, the deaths that result from heatwaves are often relatively widely dispersed, and they are often not directly attributed to heatstroke. However, extreme heat is increasing in severity and intensity. It is necessary to understand (1) the (unequal) threat this poses to communities, and (2) the power that lies in interdisciplinary mitigative tools to prepare for and protect against heatwaves in an inclusive manner.


Dr. Gulrez Azhar (Center for Health and the Global Environment, University of Washington)

Mr. Mihir Bhatt (All India Disaster Mitigation Institute)

Dr. Carlee Purdum (Texas A&M University)

Chair: Ainsley Trahan (PhD Student – Dept of Geography, Uni of Cambridge)

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