Media for Change | 7 Mar, 2024
A Fresh Start in your Humanitarian Learning Journey

With Learning Comes Change.

In recent ALNAP research, 46% of humanitarians cited a lack of time and capacity as one of the main barriers to accessing and using knowledge and evidence to improve humanitarian action.

So, our message to all humanitarians is clear: be sure to take time out today to recommit to learning. Embrace a new learning approach. Be bolder, more receptive and responsive to learning.

As the nature of crises evolves and humanitarians are challenged to work differently, our ability to learn and change must be equally adaptive and dynamic. This means transforming our thinking: stepping off well-trodden linear learning paths, unpicking power relations within the system, creating a more inclusive learning environment and accelerating the pace of change.

Find out how you can do a little learning today. We have some great ideas and resource recommendations available at

In addition, for a local view, look up the website and aidmi_org Instagram. Look at

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