Accelerating Extreme Heat Responses: Perspectives from India Back to Co-creating Knowledge
Publication | 11 Sep, 2024
Accelerating Extreme Heat Responses: Perspectives from India issue No. 213, August 2024

This issue of titled “Accelerating Extreme Heat Responses: Perspectives from India” focuses on the critical challenge of extreme heat and heatwaves in India. As climate change intensifies, India faces growing threats from rising temperatures that impact public health, livelihoods, agriculture, and economic productivity. The issue brings together perspectives from policymakers, researchers, disaster management experts, and development practitioners to examine India’s vulnerability to extreme heat and outline strategies for building resilience.



  1. Introduction by Shombi Sharp, RCO, UN Resident Coordinator, India
  2. Beyond Saving Lives: Rethinking Heatwave Preparedness in India by Dr. P G Dhar Chakrabarti, Chair Professor, Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda University, West Bengal, India
  3. Beyond Research: Turning Heatwave – Knowledge into Action in India by Dr. Krishna AchutaRao, Professor, Centre for Atmospheric Sciences Affiliate Faculty, New Delhi, India
  4. Heatwaves: A Looming Disaster Demanding State-Level Action in India by Abhiyant Tiwari, Lead – Health & Climate Resilience, NRDC India
  5. Heatwaves in India: Assessing Vulnerability and Government Response by Prof Vinod K. Sharma, Vice Chairman, Sikkim State Disaster Management Authority, Govt. of Sikkim, India
  6. The Unheard Voices of India Heatwaves: Demands from the Frontlines by Madhukar Sanap, Head – Emergency Management & Developmental Programs, Aga Khan Agency for Habitat India, Maharashtra, India
  7. Kerala’s Fight Against the Heat: Utilising Government Schemes for Effective Heatwave Mitigation and Management by Joe John George, Consultant, UNICEF, Kerala, India
  8. Combating Heatwaves in India: A Focus on Community Needs and Collaborative Action by Nupur Tyagi and Mishel Mohan, Sphere India, Uttar Pradesh, India
  9. The Unrelenting Heat: An Urgent Call for Action on India’s Frontline by Imran Majid, Manager for Programs, ADRA, India
  10. Kerala on the Frontlines: Battling Heatwaves and Building Resilience by Fahad Marzook, Hazard Analyst (Meteorology), KSDMA, India
  11. From Campus to Country: Scaling Up: Heatwave Mitigation Strategies in India by Sudhakar Patra, Professor and Head, Berhampur University, Odisha, India
  12. Feeling the Heat: A Northeast India – Policymaker’s Call to Action on Heatwaves by Mridusmita Borah, Project Officer (DRR), ASDMA, India
  13. A Collaborative Approach to Building Extreme Heat Resilience in India by Mihir R. Bhatt with Mehul Pandya, Senior Coordinator, AIDMI, India

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