
Capacity Development

AIDMI’s learning resources conduct training for women farmer leaders, local decision-makers, school staff, government officials, volunteers, CBOs, NGOs staff, and communities on key disaster management topics.

So far, AIDMI completed 601 trainings covering 21852 participants and 31 subjects across 14 states and union territories of India and neighborhood countries, including Bangladesh, Maldives, and Myanmar. The trainings are done for the UN to local NGOs, national institute to local authorities.

The most important impact of AIDMI training is on the leadership capacity of the trainees. Leadership in emergency response, response preparedness, and community partnerships are enhanced in these training offered to the local leaders in now 14 states of India.

In 2022, AIDMI organised the first-ever online training with NIDM on the intersectionality approach to gender and DRR at the national level for over 500 participants across India.

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