Climate Extremes: Pathways for Preparedness and Anticipatory Action, issue no. 215, January 2025 (read more)
Transformative Loss and Damage Actions – Non-State Actors Come on Board, Sam Bickersteth, Climate and Development Adviser, UK (read more)
Impact of COVID-19 on Education of Marginalized Children in India: Key Loss and Damages, Seema Rajput, Senior Technical Specialist- Education, CARE India (read more)
The Second Wave: Loss and Damage to Education, Ms. Kavita Anand, Co-Founder and Director, Adhyayan Quality Education Foundation and an Ashoka Fellow, Maharashtra (read more)
Kerala Floods Loss and Damage: Some Estimates, by Vijeta Rattani, Programme Manager, Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi, India (read more)
Reducing Disaster Loss and Damage in Malaysia, by Hafiz Amirrol, Head, Building Resilient Communities Programme Development and Operations, MERCY Malaysia (read more)
A Toolbox for Assessing Loss and Damage, by Kees van der Geest, UNU-EHS and Anam Zeb, LEAD-Pakistan (read more)
Loss and Damage in Urban Areas: Some Challenges in South Asia, by Hina Lotia, Director Programmes, Programme Development Department, LEAD Pakistan (read more)
Loss and Damage: Beyond Numbers, by Stephanie Andrei, Researcher, International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD), Bangladesh (read more)
Addressing Loss and Damage with Micro-insurance, Kees van der Geest, Michael Zissener, and Koko Warner United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) (read more)
Bangladesh: On the Forefront of Loss and Damage Research, by Shababa Haque, Erin Roberts, Stephanie Andrei and Saleemul Huq, All with ICCCAD, Bangladesh (read more)
Loss and Damage: Times Ahead, by Kashmala Kakakhel, Technical Assistance and Knowledge Management Coordinator, Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN), CDKN Asia (read more)
Role of Insurance to Address Loss and Damage Associated with the Adverse Effect of Climate Change, by William Martirez, Country Manager, Micro Ensure Insurance Brokers Philippines, Inc. (read more)
Reducing Loss and Damage of Poor, by Prashanta Bahera, United India Insurance Co. Ltd., Bhubaneswar, India (read more)
Adaptation and Loss and Damage Associated with Climate Change in the Asia Pacific: Integrating Scientific Aspects, by Dr. Puja Sawhney, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Japan (read more)
AIDMI prepared an India case study by implementing a loss and damage toolkit, captured the data and preparing the report on “Assessing Loss and Damage Due to Climate Change: Focus on Cyclone – A Sample Case Study in Puri, Odisha, India” (read more)
All India Disaster Mitigation Institute (AIDMI) is a non-profit organization established and registered as a Public Trust under The Bombay Public Trusts Act, 1950, under the registration number F/5007Ahmedabad.