Event | 20 Mar, 2024
Multi-Stakeholder Consultation for Heatwave and Drought Preparedness-2024

Join us for the online “Multi-Stakeholder Consultation for Heatwave and Drought Preparedness-2024” organized by Sphere India collaborating with AIDMI to emphasize the critical need for preparedness and collaboration in addressing the impacts of extreme heatwaves and droughts, on March 22, 2024, from 11:00 AM to 01:00 PM.

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Recent data from the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) highlights that January and February 2024 have been the warmest months worldwide. Following this trend, southern regions of India are currently grappling with rising temperatures, exacerbated by the absence of the usual monsoon rainfall. Moreover, the entire country of India is expecting an increase in maximum and minimum temperatures, with some regions facing the possibility of severe heatwaves.

Given the urgency of the scenario, we encourage IAGs, NGOs, academia, and all other stakeholders to participate in this Multi-Stakeholder Consultation to raise awareness about heatwaves, identify challenges, and formulate new preparedness strategies.

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