Disaster Risk Reduction | 31 Oct, 2018
Rising Risk of Heatwaves in India

AIDMI’s publication of is titled “Rising Risk of Heatwaves in Asia” It highlights not only the incidences and impacts of heatwaves in Asia but also all the scientific and governance innovations designed to mitigate their damage. While instances of heatwaves are on the rise across the world, Asia, in particular, seems to be reeling under an intense heatwaves. According to the meteorologist Etienne Kapikian, at least seven Asian countries have already set monthly high-temperature records at the end of March 2018.

All this scientific and empirical evidence points to the inconvenient truth that the incidence and intensity of heatwaves will increase across Asian countries in the coming years. Therefore, there is a need to address this rising risk or mitigate its adverse impacts. This issue of takes stock of the best practices in governance systems (heatwaves action plans), early warning and health preparedness, among others, to mitigate the adverse impacts of heatwaves in Asia.

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