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Co-creating Knowledge | 29 Apr, 2015
Voices of Leadership from South Asia

Who will implement Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction in South Asia and what do they say?

Plagued by a plethora of humanitarian challenges, the region of South Asia is consistently ranked as one of the most vulnerable regions exposed to the risk of natural hazards.

Recurring disasters in the region and the devastation followed in their aftermath only serve to highlight this enhanced vulnerability of South Asia. It is therefore timely and pertinent to focus on voices of DRR leaders from South Asia. The 3rd World Conference of Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR) was a perfect opportunity to focus on such voices. This issue of highlights the country statements issued by the dispensations of various South Asian nations at the 3rd WCDRR. A compendium of these statements helps in understanding the South Asian perspective on DRR.

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