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Co-creating Knowledge | 29 May, 2015
Humanitarian Action after Nepal Earthquake: Agenda for IAP

When will humanitarian action move ahead from relief to prospective, corrective, and compensatory risk management as its co-benefit? The Nepal Earthquake of 25th April, 2015 has been one of the most devastating catastrophes in the history of the small Himalayan nation.

The loss in terms of human and economic costs has been exponential. This issue of focuses on the theme of ‘Humanitarian Action after the Nepal Earthquake: Agenda for IAP’. The ISDR Asia Partnership (IAP) is committed to effective implementation of the SFDRR in Asia Pacific region and the Nepal earthquake represents significant challenges to this. As South Asia grapples with yet another disaster, the humanitarian community needs to draw important lessons for an effective response and recovery.

This issue of captures these important lessons. It is a must read for all who wish to explore the opportunities SFDRR offers in making Nepal recovery robust and sustainable.

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